Sunday, December 18, 2005

As long as I'm posting

For some reason this year has been the year for me to get back to some old traditions. I finally sent Christmas cards again. I meant to in 1995, I really did, but it just never happened. So then I was going to do New Year's, and then Valentine's, but I just couldn't get my act together. Incidentally, 1995 was the year my first child was born.

The baking didn't end quite so quickly, and I usually do sugar cookies if my husband doesn't get around to it first, but we have discovered that Pillsbury is easier and yummier (although some connoisseurs disagree.) But the real baking, the pumpkin bread and different kinds of cookies and carmel popcorn, etc., it just faded away gradually.

Well, I'm back. Sent out my Christmas cards by Dec. 1, to immediate family. OK, so it's Dec. 18, and the rest of the batch is still waiting to be addressed, but it's a start. And then the baking. Thursday I did pumpkin bread and mini muffins. Friday I did 4 batches of carmel popcorn. And yesterday I did oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, fudge (not "baking" but...), and gingerbread dough (still sitting in the fridge waiting to be baked, but it will be). Oh, and apple crisp. I think that was my 3rd apple crisp since Thanksgiving!

And since I was in the Christmas spirit, I updated my CD collection: Sandy Patti (ok, that one was old, but I still love it), Stephen Curtis Chapman, Mercy Me, and NewSong (that Grinch song is hilarious!)

So that's what I've been up to. Christmasing. I hope yours is merry.

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